Mar 02, 2015. By: mega-Sheinux
[35 Yeahs!] [3 replies] (EU)
"Geteilte freude ist doppelte freude!"

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Crazy half goblin red cap girl, Kokkino. Also involves a full gobbo version
Artwork has been made by DOPPEL (pixiv)
(Link to the artist's pixiv will be in the comments)

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Risu berantem sama doppelganger

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Here's an idea for an STH villain. It's a villainess I found known as Scream the Wolf, Whisper's split-personality Anti-Mobius doppelganger.

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Happy new year of life, man. Would have done that female doppelganger (forgor her name, sorry💀), too, but I thought that's one too many females. Have a good one, you hear?!

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07/01: some flat coloring. Not a single thought behind these eyes 😌
(I feel like he’s a Mafuyu doppelgänger but with a completely different personality 😂)

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What happens when your special someone is replaced with a Doppelganger hybrid?

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Gabby: I’m not sure...! Oh, look! Paw prints! Definitely that scary doppelgänger!

Gilda: Not bad, Gab. Where’d you learn how to track like that?

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I came in late but pulled out this Canadian Shield and a smokey doppelganger

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Two simple things for today: Doppelgänger definitive color palette and my dear bibliophile, Hide's final design

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I think one of my favourite Julian episodes is Der Monster Klub, because it shows Julian being capable of being a little fucked up even before the whole evil doppelganger thing happened

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JOIN US for a fun in-character Q&A party, y'all!! I play THIS twisted Doctor in this event full of Sonic universe Doppelgangers!

( Fantastic Eggman NEGA art by Tracy Yardley! )

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Vlastenske Doppel de Ulala yume: El Doppel de la camaradería. Su forma es una muñeca de madera. El maestro de esta emoción está encantado de cómo se comporta su Doppel junto con ella, pero también sospecha que ella misma puede estar siendo manipulada. Las excelentes habilidades+

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Scylla Doppel de Himena aika: El Doppel de la perpetuidad. Su forma es un retrato. El maestro de esta emoción tiene sentimientos encontrados hacia su Doppel: aunque siente una misteriosa sensación de parentesco con él, también está asustada por la sensación de que su corazón+

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Mary Doppel de Akari mai: El Doppel de la regresión. Su forma es un parque de atracciones. El maestro de esta emoción piensa en él como un lugar donde puede volver a la mentalidad de un niño, sin nadie alrededor para observarla mientras lo hace. Este Doppel tiene el poder de+

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Todd Helbing said that if Supergirl were to appear, she wouldn't be the same as seen in the Arrowverse

"It would be our version of inventing a new story. [..] It could be your doppelganger and it could look exactly the same, but it would be a different story."

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Todd Helbing disse que se a Supergirl fosse aparecer em ela não seria a mesma vista no Arrowverse.

"Seria a nossa versão para inventarmos uma nova história. [...] Pode ser seu doppelganger e pode parecer exatamente igual, mas seria uma história diferente."

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💚 Minerva Moorebounder, night shift librarian in Augerstone. Favorite food: cheesecake!
❤️ Adaya Faemere, werebear doppelganger who runs a bakery (and an underground fighting ring). Favorite food: thick cut grilled sourdough bread with butter.

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Ich hab echt null Probleme mit dieser „Hitze“. Habe noch immer meine doppelt geknüpfte Bettdecke und bei tagelange Temperaturen von über 30 Grad fühle ich mich einfach wohl…🥲

Ich kann damit doch nicht alleine sein?…xD

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