The Batman: The Animated Series episode "Double Talk" debuted on this day (Nov. 22) in 1997. A slick The New Batman Adventures thriller, the episode's dramatic, deliberate pace really gives it an 'early Batman: The Animated Series'-kinda vibe.

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The Superman: The Animated Series episode "Little Big Head Man" debuted on this day (Nov. 21) back in 1998. Despite the subpar work by Jade Animation, Paul Dini's hilarious script perseveres, resulting in one of the show's funniest episodes!

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Today's the day Harleen Quinzel finally meets the Joker! The 2018 Mad Love novelization has had plenty twists from the original story, drop by the DCAU Book Club stream at 12 PT to see how this plays out!

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The final Gotham Girls webisode debuted on this day (Nov. 19) back in 2002. The "Cold Hands, Cold Heart" finale wrapped a season-long arc about the men of Gotham City mysteriously vanishing, and the "Gotham Girls" working to crack the case!

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The Superman: The Animated Series episode "The Main Man, Part 2" debuted on this day (Nov. 16) in 1996. It's a fun romp and, hey, who could guess the events here would end up playing a pretty big role in a future Batman Beyond episode?

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The Superman: The Animated Series episode "Obsession" debuted on this day (Nov. 14) in 1998. As with his first appearance in "Fun and Games," Toyman here is as unsettling and creepy as ever, and the result is one of the series' darkest episodes.

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The Batman Beyond episode "Hooked Up" debuted on this day (Nov. 13) back in 1999. Considered a fan-favorite, this still-surprisingly topical episode finds Max in the clutches of Spellbinder, one of the show's best reoccurring villains. Worth a rewatch!

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Lobo comes for the Man of Steel in the Superman: The Animated Series episode "The Main Man, Part 1," which debuted on this day (Nov. 9) back in 1996. This episode marked the Czarnian's first animated appearance, and what an impression he makes!

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Batman: The Adventures Continue (print), DC Classics: The Batman Adventures and the Justice League Unlimited: Time After Time GN-TPB are all now on sale! Be sure to support your local comic shop and please wear your mask!

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Let's start the week out on a bit of a super-note, shall we? Check out this fantastic Bruce Timm art spotlighting Supergirl! It just might be time to rewatch the Superman: The Animated Series two-parter "Little Girl Lost!"

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Long Live the Legion! The Superman: The Animated Series episode "New Kids in Town" debuted on this day (Oct. 31) in 1998! It brought the Legion of Super Heroes into the DCAU for the first time, and it's a heckuva fun intro!

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While these wouldn't be considered traditional horror-themed viewing, the Batman: The Animated Series episodes "Avatar" and "House & Garden" are two solid watches that, by the end of each episode, should make you feel a little uneasy ...

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Let's jump back to the first season of Justice League for this week's Wonder Woman Wednesday! On tap tonight are "Paradise Lost" and "Fury," two great episodes squarely focused on Diana and her Amazonian roots! Let's watch!

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ICYMI: Our very own has been doing model sheet cleanups of 's design work for Batman: The Adventures Continue!

You can check out these and more DCAU art at his Deviant Art page:

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Today on DCAU book club returns to the world of Harley Quinn as we explore her time in college and working at STAR Labs Gotham. Join us in an hour as we jump back into the 2018 novelization of Mad Love!

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The Superman: The Animated Series episode “The Way of All Flesh” debuted on this day (Oct. 19) in 1996! Metallo arrives and, wIth that unnerving design - half his face is ripped off - and a great turn by Malcolm McDowell, it’s pretty damn memorable!

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