Which Law Would You Choose To Break?


Clearly get to choose which laws they will follow and which they will break....but you don't

0 1

Kalifornia Is Krazy And Here Is The Proof


invasion of the booty snatchers

invaded by foreign criminals, terrorists and fake refugees courtesy of leftists, liberals, progressives and democrats

0 3

Who originally commissioned the Steele Dossier? Democrats? Ever hear of Paul Singer? Google him.

4 13

Republican wins special election, celebrate close outcome.

1 5

What Democrats think the NRA does.

213 715

focus! We must be laser focused right now. Mueller has Flynn in hand. We need to help our Democrats in the Senate and help R's are close to the numbers they need! Focus!

210 299

Trump funds the government for three months and he's a genius! Bernie Sanders shits on Democrats and he's the Dem Leader. HRC writes a book:

55 90

If US Democrats care SO
much about why
didn't they tear them down
when THEY were in office?

0 0

Have you heard any new ideas from Democrats? I haven't. What are they going to offer voters in 2018?

3 6


349 662

Trusted by Democrats only...

12 12

Over the years, Democrats have expended gargantuan efforts to find things when there never was anything there.

13 15

confident they can block Trump’s agenda after spending-bill win.

9 16

Morning! My for Thomas Frank article on US Democrats letting down the industrial Midwest

3 16