got her on FGO
Man - for someone kindaaa forgettable from the anime, she's pretty darn good in the game
Let us forget the AI drama for a while. (=3=) I hope I won’t have to prove anything to anyone…It’s just extra work for my brain to remember to record everytime I draw…my memory isn’t that great.
I will never forget in 2016 how everyone thought the Vinsmoke siblings would be blondes. The official colors weren’t out yet, and I didn’t want my art to age badly so I picked random colors for everyone. And to my surprise, I had their color schemes and their hair right 😂
feeling frustrated, so I did a quick sketch of somebody on Pinterest. maybe i should do this twice a day or i will surely forget how i drew the face.
"And of course, don't forget your stretches! It's very important to warm up before your sets!"
Omar the fitness trainer's got you covered, complete with real-time demonstration! 😍
Omar belongs to @G0ld_M3d4l_Art and is one of his newest OCs! ☺️✨
—Don't forget. What you must imagine is that you are the strongest. You don't need outside enemies. For you, the one you have to fight is none other than your own image.
hope you havent forget about the manga LOL
rajang VS deviljho
Chapter 7 of 9(still ongoing)
you can read current avaible chapters here
#モンハン #monsterhunter
Don't forget about them.
They're gonna make a comeback soon.
#zeesonart #stargazersona #guildiesona #comfysona #scarlingsona
@AestusSanguis Seeing such genuine happiness for something so simple; it was almost enough to make one forget that she was an Evil of Humanity.
❝All it takes is a good disguise and a pair of tight lips~❞
Trying something less japanese this year
I hope she doesnt forget to stream in 2024
My words of the year is "Never forget to say Free Palestine" by @azaizamotaz9
#Palestine #FreePalestine