Shrimp balls delicious! 🦐

301 1114

holding the star of the show- !

♡/↺ Appreciated ✧

154 572

💜B i r t h d a y . A r t💙
Please enjoy the cake before guoba does 😳

41 113

reason number nine: my beloved in a guoba hoodie

0 4

Don’t get me wrong, I’m also upset with how Mihoyo is handling things as well as how the community is going apeshit… but looking Guoba gives me serotonin.

12 84

in addition to being the world’s best sous chef, Guoba also moonlights as an accountant

224 817

i added a ton of stuff to this guoba! and it's finally up on my ko-fi! there are also phone wallpapers! 🌶️

5 12

I want this as a plush hahha#guoba 🐻🐻🐻🐻

11 21

waiving guoba is the best part of moonchase

178 582

- Lock screen
- Last song listened
- 7th pic in gallery
- 7 moots

I love that guoba image so much

Not gonna tag people but if you see this feel free to QRT

1 3

💤 OFFLINE ※ LOOK HOW CUTE GUOBA IS AND I'M GOING TO LOSE IT!! 🥺💖 LUOLUOLUO..!! anyway, tysm for hanging with me tonight!! i enjoyed the chill and comfy vibes (and hope you did too)!! :')

🐸 we raided the one and only frogchamp tonight!! 🐸

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