He's gone??? What's going on here

0 8

Kubera⁉️ Did he come here bc he noticed Indra's interference, I wonder

0 8

She's the one who's trembling…

0 9

Nice observation, my boy. Also, that time, huh🤔🤔

0 8

Omfg, Marut this is the only good thing that came out of your mouth so far‼ Yeah since Ananta arrived at the scene in such a scary way, I completely believed that it had to be him but I always found it odd that he was talking about how his efforts disappear so easily

0 8

Yeah, I remember the king collecting all five. Also, this must be before Vayu created the Neutral Bow

0 7

Ah yes, those are totally the words of someone who should be listened to🙃 "The path chosen by the king is justice and those who oppose are evil" said the king of Astikas🙃 On an unrelated note, Alexa play Toxic by Britney Spears

0 11

Ofc it was Indra, now he's here to spew bs isn't he😡😡

0 10

Oh you silly little king, you were fooled. I have some ideas about who that might be but my prime suspects are Indra and Visnu

0 9

Shit… Ofc, they did that in order to protect the king…

0 10

This is not something to atone with monetary compensation but his sincere apology may potentially hold some meaning for Enan

0 8

To a kid that just lost his entire family, this must've felt like the ultimate betrayal

0 8

Speaking of things I didn't expect… oh wow

0 9

I was right in a way but I didn't expect Enan to be a descendant of one of those knights

0 9

Hmm, the way they were both looking at each other earlier made me think there might be a history between them but maybe the king is just really impressed by him, who knows

0 9

I like Artram's personality and mindset

0 8

Omg, imagine your job being finding the dead bodies that were thrown away, what a taxing work😨😨

0 7

Ooh, that's an outlook I didn't expect to see from her

0 8