In this second part we feature the other three main magical girls in the series, Mami Tomoe, Sayaka Miki and Kyoko Sakura.

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There's probably gonna be a day I stop drawing these two but that day is not anytime soon

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Early Dragonite:

Red & Green's sprites show Dragonite with a ridge on his back. This is Dragonite's earliest known design, pre-dating his artwork. His ridge was never seen again.

1. R&G sprite redraw by KamiKitty (
2. Red & Green sprites
3. Gen 5 sprites

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I took down Aya Kamiki's Unreal & V/S from my youtube channel. This was my own decision. I originally put them up as a way to support Aya, to give publicity to her work. The videos were never monetized and none of my videos are.

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some stills from an animation i've been working on titled KAMIKI! i'm almost done with it!

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I hope nobody else has already done this.

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Normal ¿no?, pero tienen características que los hacen más únicos todavía (y diferente de lo tradicional), por ejemplo, Komari Kamikita no le da vergüenza mostrar sus dibujos ilustrados del cuento, al contrario, ¡quiere que todos lo vean sin miedo! Por eso los hace.

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