Fourth illustration! I loved trying to get just a little bit out of my comfort zone with this one <3 since I made it I'm officially obsessed with textures again! :D

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I love all the parallelism between Star and Moon im so excited for this season

29 91

color this beautiful bit of linework the lovely drew over my earlier doodle <3

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Parallelism γはチルボド意識でFA

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Romanticismo y oscuridad en el arte digital de Billelis https://t.co/aoVhQrAca3

4 15

Este fué mi doodle preferido del mes de diciembre en Instagram.
A soft and warm kitty...purr purr purr

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Activitats CINQUENA TROBADA D'IL.LUSTRADORS,destaquem la de i lElisenda Roca presentant ALICIA

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Igualmente, creo q se han pasado cn los paralelismos de Dragon Ball xD

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