"'There's something we need to find,' Harry said. 'Something - something that'll help us overthrow You-Know-Who. It's here at Hogwarts, but we don't know where. It might have belonged to Ravenclaw"
— JKR (DH29)

by Ottowl


0 9

"And out of it, his hair overgrown, his face cut, his robes ripped, clambered the real Neville Longbottom, who gave a roar of delight, leapt down from the mantelpiece and yelled, 'I knew you'd come! I knew it, Harry!'"
— JKR (DH28)

by Ottowl


0 5

"'He was never free,' said Harry.
'I beg your pardon?' said Aberforth.
'Never,' said Harry. 'The night that your brother died he drank a potion that drove him out of his mind. He started screaming, pleading with someone who wasn't there...'"
— JKR (DH28)

by Ottowl

0 15

"'Madam Lestrange!' said the goblin, evidently startled. 'Dear me! How - how may I help you today?'
'I wish to enter my vault,' said Hermione."
— JKR (DH26)

by Iren Horrors

0 6

"Their plans were made, their preparations complete; in the smallest bedroom a single long, coarse, black hair (plucked from the sweater Hermione had been wearing at Malfoy Manor) lay curled in a small phial..."
— JKR (DH26)

by RaRo81


0 2

"'Though the goblins of Gringotts will consider it base treachery, I have decided to help you-'
'That's great!' said Harry, relief surging through him. 'Griphook, thank you, we're really-'
'-in return,' said the goblin firmly, 'for payment'"
— JKR (DH25)

by Bas Schel

0 4

"'Dobby, no, don't die, don't die-'
The elf's eyes found him, and lips trembled with the effort to form words.
'Harry ... Potter ...'"
— JKR (DH23)

by RaRo81

2 12

"'I'd say that it's one short step from "wizards first" to "pure-bloods first", and then to "Death Eaters",' replied Kingsley. 'We're all human, aren't we? Every human life is worth the same, and worth saving'"
— JKR (DH22)

by ReallyCorking


1 5

"'Who could look at you, who would ever look at you, beside Harry Potter? What have you ever done, compared with the Chosen One? What are you, compared with the Boy Who Lived?'
'Ron, stab it, STAB IT!' Harry yelled..."
— JKR (DH19)

by gerre


0 13

"...little lights were popping inside his head, and he was going to drown, there was nothing left, nothing he could do, and arms that closed around his chest were surely Death's..."
— JKR (DH19)

by Hilly Minne


0 12

"A glint of deep red... it was a sword with glittering rubies in its hilt... the sword of Gryffindor was lying at the bottom of the forest pool"
— JKR (DH19)

by Ottowl


1 13

"I don't know who he loved, Hermione, but it was never me. This isn't love, the mess he's left me in. He shared a damn sight more of what he was really thinking with Gellert Grindelwald than he ever shared with me."
— JKR (DH18)

by Ottowl


0 10

"Instead of an obelisk covered in names, there was a statue of three people: a man with untidy hair and glasses, a woman with long hair and a kind, pretty face, and a baby boy sitting in his mother's arms."
— JKR (DH16)

by Ottowl

4 18

"Finally, having entirely repacked the beaded bag three times, Hermione seemed unable to find any more reasons to delay: she and Harry grasped hands and Disapparated, reappearing on a windswept, heather-covered hillside"
— JKR (DH16)

by Ottowl


1 8

"'It's a fake,' rasped Griphook.
'The sword of Gryffindor!'
'Oh, yes. It is a copy - an excellent copy, it is true - but it was wizard-made'"
— JKR (DH15)

by ReallyCorking


0 7

"...travelling by Apparition to more woods, to the shadowy crevices of cliffs, to purple moors, gorse-covered mountainsides and, once, a sheltered and pebbly cove”
— JKR (DH15)

by Ottowl


3 7

"Even without any new ideas, they continued to move through the countryside, pitching the tent in a different place each night for security”
— JKR (DH15)

by Ottowl


2 9

"'T-took?' sobbed Mrs Cattermole. 'I didn't t-take it from anybody. I b-bought it when I was eleven years old. It - it - it - chose me.'
She cried harder than ever.
Umbridge laughed a soft, girlish laugh that made Harry want to attack her”
— JKR (DH13)

by Hilly Minne

0 6

"'Kreacher, no!' shouted Harry.
Kreacher's thin arm trembled with the weight of the pan, still held aloft.
'Perhaps just one more, Master Harry, for luck?'
Ron laughed.
'We need him conscious, Kreacher'”
— JKR (DH11)

by Aidinera


1 6

“‘You don’t understand,’ said Lupin at last.
‘Explain, then,’ said Harry.
Lupin swallowed.
‘I - I made a grave mistake in marrying Tonks. I did it against my better judgement and I have regretted it very much ever since.’”
— JKR (DH11)

by Bianca R.

1 9