This tempura thingy is contagious…

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🍤shrimp tempura mutesmoke 🍤

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Well other than turning into a tempura shrimp... Not bad for the first day of 3rd semester

Also I'm finally done with this.
My OC (Shiro) as Glueball Avalanche with some modifications

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Apa yang terjadi pada Sam setelah ia tertembak saat mengecek keadaan pada Pertempuran Lima Hari Semarang? Apakah akhirnya Laskar Gado-Gado bisa bertemu dengan Tirto?

Update ep. 9.1: Penjerangan, di Webtoon Kanvas 👉

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I'm here~ I'm tempura🍤🍤🍤

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I actually can't draw food so have this kdj with badly drawn tempura bouquet on his head 😂💕

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Tempura-Egg Topping Udon Day.

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I made a .gif .... from wait.. this is suppose to be a warm up drawing...
smacked a mosquito on 's face :3

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17 Oktober 1945 seharusnya menjadi hari pertemuan kembali Laskar Gado-Gado untuk menepati janji mereka membuka Kaleng Waktu. Namun justru terjadi huru-hara Pertempuran Lima Hari Semarang, dan Samiadji...

Update ep.8.2 di Webtoon Kanvas:

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5. Bisa kita tarik kesimpulan ada Gundala lain di masa lalu. Yang pada masanya merupakan adisatria hebat. Sebuah pertempuran besar melahirkan ramalan ini. Bahwa di masa depan musuh serupa akan bangkit kembali.

Siapa lagi kalo bukan Ki Wilawuk?

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Working in Japan means my supervisor gets to make puns and dad jokes across languages, and I get to deal with them.

"What do you call a Japanese Knight's Order?"


btw, new OC. Her name is Victoria. She made you some tempura.

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My OC Ellie trying the . She got a cramp instead. Stretch first before doing some weird shit Ellie.

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My wife is the most powerful
Thank you Shrimin-chan for commissioning me 😻 I am so honoured to draw the strongest snowman vampire goth loli shrimp GOD 💜

If you don't watch Shrimin's streams already, please do check her out over at

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14 Oktober 1945, dr. Kariyadi terbunuh Nippon saat memeriksa desas-desus peracunan mata air Siranda. Ini adalah salah satu sebab Pertempuran 5 Hari Semarang. Bagaimana nasib Pertiwi dkk di Posko?

Baca 7.2: Pertempoeran di Webtoon Kanvas

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Tujuh puluh enam tahun lalu, hari penting dalam sejarah Indonesia terjadi. Dengan secercah kertas sakral, Bung Karno mengumumkan bahwa kita... merdeka.

Kok Bisa mempersembahkan, Seri Tokoh Bangsa Season 3: Pertempuran-Pertempuran Terdahsyat Indonesia.

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