Reunion between Nandor and Guillermo after being kept apart.

5 21

Finishing with the 31st prompt "Free Day" got me thinking; What would a radio host who died in the 30s and enjoys trolling reprobates fangirl over?
The Shadow knows! Mwa ha ha ha...

5 20

"Can you please... Please turn me into a vampire before you leave? So that after all these years you and I both, both can be happy?"

"Vampirism is a curse... and I care for you too much to burden you with that."

74 238

He wants to watch Paw Patrol: The Movie with directors commentary on

8 31

Hi! The finale was A LOT! Here’s our favorite ancient queer couple!

34 154

here’s a dark and sad nandermo hug. it wasn’t meant to be this dark or sad but it is and i’m kinda okay w it.

4 49

From our Ryuichi Soko is def the most fascinating antagonist:cleverly balancing on a duality of how his actions can be interpretated. Gaslighting power hungry (ex?)boyfriend or a 'the end justifies the means' double agent, tragic backstory included...

0 1

combined two of my fave things: wwdits and pastel aesthetic

19 51

Some Nadja for Drawlloween. Gosh I love Shadows so much.

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