"I guess your mullet is not so bad, mullet man"

(cropped page for Ultramarine)

300 533

ecoline magenta and ultramarine violet test with moon bear!

45 76

Enjoyed using ultramarine, pthalo and coeruleum blues on this painting https://t.co/1hHMcA77yu

2 2

Waders in the murk at the Naze inc 115 Sanderling, only used 2 colours burnt sienna and ultramarine

5 28

Tree morning (phthalo blue, ultramarine, raw sienna, paynes grey)

1 7


10 19


16 24


4 6


9 12

48" x 48"
and on

3rd in series exploring simple palettes

3 9

5月5日のコミティアで星をテーマにしたイラスト本が出ます。スペースは【C33b】Ultramarine です。宜しくお願い致します!

17 37

A (late) little whale swimming in ultramarine blue for

5 19

Battle between Cato Sicarius and Warlord Zanzag. Warhammer40K http://t.co/VACVLd38Za

0 1

A few things that spilled out of my brain the other night, messing around again with cadmium orange/ultramarine blue.

0 7

Practicing color theory..things. Ultramarine blue + cadmium orange, except for the tongue. I cheated there :s

9 50

Painting exercise: get 3 random pigments to harmonize. (lemon yellow, venetian red, ultramarine blue plus white.)

13 56