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Friday Morning cartoons I watched on MeTV’s “Toon In With Me!”
Daffy in Suppressed Duck (1965)
The Homeless Flea (1940)
Bugs in Hare-Breadth Hurry (1963)
Betty Boop with Henry the Funniest Living American (1935)
Sylvester in Catch as Cats Can (1945)
#ToonInWithMe #GregSatMornToon
11月にPAVLOV’S DOGのこのアルバム/この曲を聴かなかったことがあっただろうか。(いや、ない)
Pretty cool @kumoxworld I heard dev’s working hard to get it up! Deserves some love!
Let’s go @evantan @cipcity @Oxaliens @aliensgoose @GABILETONGnft
Tuesday Morning cartoons I watched on MeTV’s “Toon In With Me!”
Bugs in Bunny Hugged (1951)
Pink Panther in Pink Panic (1967)
Porky in Porky the Rain-Maker (1936)
Popeye in Barking Dogs Don't Fite (1949)
Sylvester & Speedy in Road to Andalay (1964)
#ToonInWithMe #GregSatMornToon
Grief and V’seira enjoying time in Kugane 🍡 cute art by the lovely @Caitie_Potatie_! #FFXIV #FFXIVart
Friday Morn’ cartoons I watched on MeTV’s “Toon In With Me!”
Bugs & Sam in Roman Legion-Hare (1955)
Inspector in Pierre and Cottage Cheese (1969)
Roughly Squeaking (1946)
Popeye in I Likes Babies and Infinks (1937)
Tom & Jerry in High Steaks (1962)
#ToonInWithMe #GregSatMornToon
For my buddy @gabcdraws It’s his OC Viv’s birthday today!
She’s based a bit off of Uncharted’s Nathan Drake, so I figured I’d try redrawing her in Uncharted 2’s cover.
Hope you love it man!💜😁👍🏼
Wednesday Morning cartoons I watched on MeTV’s “Toon In With Me!”
Road Runner in To Beep or Not to Beep (1963)
Sniffles and the Bookworm (1939)
A Great Big Bunch of You (1932)
Tom & Jerry in Downhearted Duckling (1954)
Pink Panther in Pinknic (1967)
#ToonInWithMe #GregSatMornToon
It’s #いい手の日 aka Good Hand Day in Japan so here’s some pics of Gav’s lovely hands huehue
#Gavin #ハク #백기 #白起 #戀與制作人 #恋プロ #러브앤프로듀서 #MrLoveMobile #MrLoveDreamDate
wild rift is a blast
may i just say, i really dig the wild rift splash arts for shyv’s skins
You will accept Corv’s love or you will face the wrath of the magistrate AND the abyss hehe
#paladins #paladinsart #paladinsfanart #paladinsgame #corvus
@archiegunya Hi Thanks for the purple share, one my fav’s 💜
These are all available printed on demand items at
Friday Morning cartoons I watched on MeTV’s “Toon In With Me!”
Bugs & Sam in 14 Carrot Rabbit (1952)
Hook, Line and Stinker (1958)
Tom & Jerry in The Two Mouseketeers (1952)
Popeye in Olive's $weep$take Ticket (1941)
Porky in Awful Orphan (1949)
#ToonInWithMe #GregSatMornToon