I enjoyed the air-taxi flights a lot. The holographic cabbie was hilarious (though apparently opinions varied).

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The graphical effects in WS were awesome, especially on a computer that wasn't old and laggy

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One of the ambient pieces of NPC dialogue in Galeras mentioned the windy weather and how fast it made their lips chap. Big mood, my friend, big mood.

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The zone Galeras (adjoining the Exile capital city, Thayd) was the site of the Focus of Air, one of six giant floating techno-doodads the Eldan made to concentrate elemental energies.

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Don't feel bad for the Ikthians. They're assholes, seriously.

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There were also some genuinely scary places on Farside, like the derelict silo that was infested with a swarm of brain-parasites and had no ambient lighting.

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Your character helped the cyber-tree, and then before it could reveal major plot points, the Dominion blew it up and started a forest fire, so you had to escape the zone.

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Everstar Grove was the recommended noob zone for Aurin and Mordesh. It was the first ground zone of Nexus I ever did in the beta (after the arkship tutorial). Hearing the BGM always brings me back.

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Now, to be fair, the Ellevar Pell had reason to hate the Dominion, since one nobleman essentially gave them smallpox-infested blankets. But that wasn't MY CHARACTER'S FAULT, DON'T ATTACK ME D:

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There was some kind of challenge that required jumping across the tops of those geysers. I never could successfully do it. xD

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I can almost feel the damp wind on my face looking at some of these.

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Ellevar was scenic, sure, but I feel like it would probably also be chilly and humid. Not sure I'd be comfortable there in real life.

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The kaiju-bird (holo shown is his actual size) is Osiric, the Primeval of Air.

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Ahh, the Caretaker…a snarky holographic supercomputer. <3 He maintained ALL the Nexus Project's info, but when the Genesis Prime went apeshit, he intentionally corrupted himself to keep the most crucial data out of her reach.

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But, as we found out along the way, something went Horribly Wrong (shocker!!!) and the Genesis Prime was corrupted from the start, and killed all the Eldan when they tried to stop her.

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The Nexus Project's ultimate goal was to create a godlike being that could manipulate reality at will, the Genesis Prime. Dominion dogma held that the Eldan fell out of contact because they all ascended to godhood.

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Exploring ancient Eldan labs was a piece of cake! Unless you ran into escaped experiments. Or rogue AI. Or fires set by rogue AI.

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