Today’s warm up was doodling a 🥺

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Even tho she was made based off the reboot and not classic, I still did a design for Tracy Warner if she had been in Wakko's Wish because that movie is awesome.

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"Am I zany? The question technically boxes me in you see. You're version of zany may be different than mine. And what is zany? The definition can be use-" Hope the toon lessons are paying off when I made this warnersona. *nervous and worrying post*

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So I saw was a thing and thought I’d jump in on the fun!

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I caved in
Meet Fidget, my

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I'm back after a week off to rest I return to bring you more of my work this time with the Animaniacs Reebot, I watched the original show when I was young from the 3 Warners my favorite character is Yakko

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Are we still doing Warnersonas??

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Here is some more warnersona doodles.

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Haha revamped my old as hell whoops
feral fella gonna bite everything-

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more unus annus but its warners!!

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i jumped on the warnersona wagon a couple days ago but i only now got to watch a couple of Eps and i'm having so much fun ;_;

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//Decided to join in and it was pretty fun!

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