Cierra la puerta cuando salgas por fa..

1931 1682

"Recordar no es siempre regresar
a lo que ha sido.
En la memoria hay algas que
arrastran extrañas maravillas."

Julia Uceda


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Nanopartículas de algas transgenicas destruyen células cancerosas sin dañar las sanas

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I guess there are some things even a good book can’t help you ignore. (Illustration by )

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Lesson learned: Don’t sneak up on people! (Image by ). More art at

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Beware of squinting raccoons. (illustration by ). More fan art at!

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I don’t think this was supposed to be a Jacuzzi… (illustration by )

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Country music like you’ve never heard it before. (illustration by )

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The trouble with being short... (illustration by )

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The tortoise learned some new skills for his second race with the hare… (illustration by )

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“And it hurts that my friends never stood DOOOOOWNWIIIIND…”

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So that’s why dinosaurs are extinct…

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cliente: Oiga y sabe usted programar pagina web?
yo: No, nomas se dibujar nalgas!

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