So Grimm's a power bottom right? XP

New BDSM fanfic up on my Ao3

2 7

For Adversary!!! They say make something fluffy, I triiiied haha

64 239

Mer!Ichigo finds something interesting after a storm. Thnx for lettin me steal your kickass Pirate!Grimm design Vanthera!

15 63

The lions at the zoo were sleeping with their tongues sticking out and it was cute, so I drew the Cat Dandy things as a result of that.

33 96

Ichigo telling Grimmjow to shut the fuck up and let him give a shit

14 55

Fun and cozy colab with the super talented I could write a short essay about how great she is, but I will spare you.

54 115

Look at dis angsty boooiiiii. I did this when I supposed to be packing, shame on me.

42 98

the grimmjow/ichigo accidental half-meet in the manga was a goddamn fatality. here it is in colour

4 18

some of peppertea’s art for my ongoing grimmichi fic jukebox symphony ✨

16 68

『♡ Matching GrimmIchi Layout ♡』

4 17