Work in Progress for the rework of Dr. Simons from Half-Life : Blue Shift

34 273

Congrats to laran-freeman for Fan Art of the Week!

This week was a tough call - some runners up:


By LambdaGeneration in Fan art

5 15

⭐️ Fan Art of the Week ⭐️

Gordon Freeman but in Portal outfit by Laran Freemλn

46 249

It's gettin done at a pretty fast pace lads. I've gotten more confident in the way I paint so Awooga Alyx is gonna be here sooner. WIP
Also sexy doctor lady from Signal Lost is ...

By Vampuffin in Fan art

0 2

hope more untidy sketches are fine :]

By grassyneptune in Fan art

5 70

Woah. I am gay. I am so so gay. I love men. Men are so pretty. Look at Barney Calhoun.

3 7

My attempt to do a remake of a Rebel Barney Calhoun during the first hours of the Combine occupation. And maybe a concept art for a Blue Shift mod 🥳! And... my cat is named ...

By Skwallie in Fan art

0 9

Gordon Freeman is making headcrab mad with bucket!

10 75

My attempt to do a remake of a Rebel Barney Calhoun during the first hours of the Combine occupation. And maybe a concept art for a Blue Shift mod 🥳! And... my cat is named Calhoun too !

19 100

"Hey! You there! Wait a minute now... aren't you...? Ah, you are! You're that scientist chap - Friedman, Fishman - am I right?"

Credit goes to groooonz on Steam

By Dr. Isaac Kleiner in Fan art

4 19

HALF-LIFE: VλNCE SUPRIME () is an upcoming comic written by me & illustrated by the incredibly brilliant . Taking place shortly after ALYX, it sees our heroine escorting a Combine defector across dangerous territory...

15 49

HALF-LIFE: A PLACE IN THE WEST is an officially licensed comic book on that tells a whole new story about a lost cosmic tower, a broken America, & a scattered group of heroes seeking to undo Black Mesa's wrongs...

10 40

"WHOA! That is a LOT of explosives. And that's, what, an oxygen tank? Boy, if I dropped a grenade here, I might be able to make my own exit out of this building."
-The Gordon from ...

By Westeh! in Fan art

3 15

Gordon Freeman eating Doritos

By Lady Lambdadelta in Memes

1 12

My drawing of Gordon Freeman but in Portal outfit

By Laran Freemλn in Fan art

24 230