Мне надо говорить, что этот фанфик попал прямо в моё истосковавшееся по ЛиннНинам сердечко?

Р.s. Огромное спасибо автору за мой самый счастливый день в этот году.
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( https://t.co/siaTj3UGLN )

2 13

jin ling as princess mononoke 🐺✨ this was supposed to be for halloween, with a full background & fairy & everything, but... [handwaves] 💀

39 79

whole pg of lingyi,,,i was very surprised to find theyre such a rare pair among fans :0

212 611

babies first professional haircut 💈

59 168

(I accidentally deleted this post! Forgive me Jiang Cheng!)

Happy birthday JC💜💜
江澄祝生日快乐!!Modern version of you, your brother anfmd your favorite nephew!!


0 5

Kiss your homie and give them praises

25 94

"Jiu jiu will always be here, A-Ling..."

Part of my in which Tiger Jiujiu Jiang Cheng take care of lil Pheonix Jin Ling 💜💛

Pixiv 63453542
Tumblr https://t.co/MAamwB2wIb
Deviantart https://t.co/CVCuoCJqUN

301 740

Okay but hear me out, they like eachother but they’re unaware of their feelings💖

167 489

jin lings uncle senses are tingling ❣️

116 339

An old tale about a grumpy fox and the rabbit he likes.

24 91

🎶dream a little dream of me🎶

the other side of the feared sandu shengshou~

403 1190