I just noticed the actual boob window here with Hare Trigger's reaction 🤣 You gotta love the little details. Just another reason is my favorite book out there.

24 118

Winter is coming but Misha seems ready.

40 158

Cute Heroine!!

15 55

We've gotten quite a few combination attacks over the series. Wonder if we'll get some Triple combinations? Or have all four Kamen Corp members do some too? The number of combinations are really vast.

7 30

Kimiko and Misha, or as I call them: Sugar and Spice

13 58

The three who recently collaborated with the Soulfinders!

155 716

So hyped for Volume 6! I'm ready for the team to bring the thunder!

13 58

What better way to Celebrate Vol 6‘s campaign than with a bit of Service to our best Girl’s new Threads! Bonus points if you get it!

39 123

日本語版めっちゃ楽しみです! I am very much looking forward to the Japanese version!

50 135


15 30

I really like this tactical outfit. Hare Trigger looks good in anything tho.
I could see this being like the X-Force costumes for the Kamen Corp. on those extra dangerous missions.

8 28

Can you beat the Bear Army!? CAN YOU!
ʕ´ •`ᴥ´•`ʔ=╦[]==<:>
/🫵 ☆)つ/̵͇̿̿/
We'll be number 1!☝️

1 1

Vicki has Janine from Real Ghostbusters vibes 😍

24 91

Two men look out through the same bars.
One sees the mud.
And one sees the stars.

193 685

Misha knows how to handle a Monday.

10 46

Did another fantranslation in italian, this time of my favourite panel in the BH x KA x SF crossover.
A friend of mine passed me some neat fonts and so I'll be able to experiment a little more and in a better quality.

6 20


30 70

1995年にアニメ版 仮面アメリカを再アニメ化する予定だったの時の唯一の1995年版のキービジュアルのラフが駄菓子屋の2Fで発見されました大変貴重な一品です(大嘘)

25 66

Sharing some favorite Sylvia fan art from the talented community.

70 240