Hey, if you're interested, I asked about animation programs today and she suggested Krita, it's free! https://t.co/ZYrz5uqgSt

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Still trying to find my way around Krita, so here's another sketch. https://t.co/3Hlit0VJ40

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pchat wouldn't load so I decided to doodle louisa in krita, it seems like a good program if you're actually painterly! so like not me lmao

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Been trying out Krita, so far so good! Featuring some OCs and random people cause Random??? :D

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Leia (fanbook preview)

first attempt to make abstract art with thanks to David Revoy's brushes!

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Test concept with Krita, i think i found my new favourite software! Keep practice!!! :D

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Tried the mirror function in Krita, while drawing with a mouse at my friend's sleepover.. it's not perfect but at least I tried :'D

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trying out new art program called Krita, it messed up the contrast when saving but managed to fix it I think lol

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Coloring page of Sailor Saturn. Did it in Krita, but hated how the program always crashed, so gave up on it

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alot of pictures, the two are made with krita, quiet a good pic, also somehow i can't go in desktop apps discord

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messing around w/ krita, its fun hehehheh but the UI is weird to me

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Also been trying out nothing too fancy yet, but I'm getting it to do what I want it to do. it's good!

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キュン太郎 | ±45 mins on krita, still practicing with the tools and shortcuts

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