Yeah, I remember the king collecting all five. Also, this must be before Vayu created the Neutral Bow

0 7

Ah yes, those are totally the words of someone who should be listened to🙃 "The path chosen by the king is justice and those who oppose are evil" said the king of Astikas🙃 On an unrelated note, Alexa play Toxic by Britney Spears

0 11

Ofc it was Indra, now he's here to spew bs isn't he😡😡

0 10

Oh you silly little king, you were fooled. I have some ideas about who that might be but my prime suspects are Indra and Visnu

0 9

Shit… Ofc, they did that in order to protect the king…

0 10

This is not something to atone with monetary compensation but his sincere apology may potentially hold some meaning for Enan

0 8

To a kid that just lost his entire family, this must've felt like the ultimate betrayal

0 8

Speaking of things I didn't expect… oh wow

0 9

I was right in a way but I didn't expect Enan to be a descendant of one of those knights

0 9

Hmm, the way they were both looking at each other earlier made me think there might be a history between them but maybe the king is just really impressed by him, who knows

0 9

I like Artram's personality and mindset

0 8

Omg, imagine your job being finding the dead bodies that were thrown away, what a taxing work😨😨

0 7

Ooh, that's an outlook I didn't expect to see from her

0 8

thinking bout kubera

12 37

Yeah, being watched by the king under these circumstances would be nerve wracking😅😅

0 8

Daaamn boi, wdym his heart stopped⁉️

0 9

I think she's here to murder the king but she seems inexperienced. This made me think tho maybe whoever sent her, possibly Kinnara, wanted to murder the royal family back then but the blame fell onto the knight order since the gods didn't wanna blame the real culprit?

0 8

Maybe she's a granddaughter or some kinda relative of hers? It seems like she's not here for Enan but something much bigger

0 7

Yess, I love that he's aware of these now. Everything he said is correct. It's true that the humans are trusting the gods far too much but we can't deny that there's a reason for that. Even Maruna has started to feel safer around gods recently 

0 8

I see, a difference like this is to be expected. I love that after learning only about divine magic for so long, we're finally learning about a whole another type of magic that we heard glimpses of

0 7