Preparando el siguiente proyecto, para el Animex! (Nos vemos en Julio, en el área de artistas independientes en Cintermex!!) (fufu con esta sería la 3° vez en el recinto)

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Evil Spottedleaf 🍓 ❤
I frecin love this Au
Au by

3 36

Key City is being torn apart by mad men and monsters- all seeking "The man made of Shadows". With his blood soaking in the dust, Munks stands defiant in the crumbling ruins of a Knights precinct as it's leveled by a seemingly unstoppable Atama.

13 39

Extraordinary Semra !!

Flight of Icarus
🎨 Abner Recinos

25 39

Buenos días mina-
Precinto que sera un gran día jeje

7 26

: quelques habitudes de Lautrec... dans les maisons closes. Il a su créer un lien particulier avec leurs pensionnaires qu'il dessine avec humanité et compassion. Il en résulte un témoignage juste et humain sur ces us et coutumes.


5 16

To know more about digital creativity and go through art piece process (talented artist & winner of the Gerard Sekoto award), join us on the 31st of January at Tshimologong Precinct !!
More info & RSVP -

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.. with melting wax and loosened strings
Sunk hapless Icarus on unfaithful wings;
Headlong he rushed through the affrighted air,
With limbs distorted and dishevelled hair;
His scattered plumage danced upon the wave,

Erasmus Darwin

Art: Abner Recinos

8 11

Rondo Double Feature (Düsseldorf) LP "Assault on Precinct 13"

8 22

✨Ewi llega al recinto sagrado✨

Las antiguas leyendas narran que cada roca, cada cáctus, cada flor, cada ser es la huella de un ancestro.

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AND THEN Momo returns to the precinct to greet his partner
"Sigh... how are we explaining this one to the chief?"

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Y el último de los llaveros de ya está listo, aquí tenéis las líneas y colores de Yurio el tigrecin

4 14

A forza di costruire ci ritroveremo noi dentro un recinto.

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Softness a mid a hard day
Marie Laurecin

3 7

OUT TODAY: PRECINCT (Dynamite) with Sergio Davila ’s Cover

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