in 1809, Napoleon and Josephine divorce. Satirical cartoon in 'Hibernia' magazine.

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I had a crack at drawing Albert Uderzo's take on Julius Caesar, as seen in the Asterix comic series. Caesar was always my favorite, design-wise. He was portrayed very satirically, but still looked dignified, even as a caricature.

I didn't really nail the look but good practice.

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The Strange, Satirical Illustrations of Alex Gamsu Jenkins...

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The dark and satirical illustrations of Alex Gamsu Jenkins

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The Strange, Satirical Illustrations of Alex Gamsu Jenkins

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Brutal satirical sci-fi from and from ? Where do I sign up? Just look at the amazing preview we've got for you and ask your to save you one:

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In Petronius' satirical novel, the Satyricon (A.D. 60s), Trimalchio recited a poem to the effect that life was short and should be enjoyed before becoming a skeleton like the one he displayed. This lovely Roman miniature bronze skeleton may have been used in the same manner.

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Julia here, the Lords Library holds one of the best preserved collections of prints of Gillray’s satirical cartoons anywhere in the world, donated in 1899 by Sir James Fraser. This is Gillray 2. “Consequences of a French invasion”. By James Gillray 1 March 1798.

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John Holmgren's stylish illustrations for the American satirical magazine, Judge (1920s-30s).

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gave his name to satirical illustrations of modern moral subjects. 'Mariage à-la-mode' is a series of 6 hogarthian pictures.

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These satirical illustrations offer an honest look at our world

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