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Hiii Illustration 2021
The 9th Hiii Illustration International Competition
Merit Award (C-1-Children's Book - Published)

“Gift to the Future” - Tianjin Yangliuqing Fine Arts Press
Igor Oleinikov (Russia)

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My Art Process. 👀🥚
I know I'm not the Best at sketching stuff out at first but, I do find it fun to try out new things and explore.

And thats the best part about art is to just have fun with it ^-^💛🎨

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More character sketchies 🥰 This month was horn month, apparently.

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Sketching speaking on CORRUPTION Friday - w/opening set by Kate Priestly, espresso shot by +manifesto read by Katie Thoma. Pops mc'ing+thx2 for hosting, sponsors +

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Sketching is almost everything. It is the painter's identity, his style, his conviction, and then colour is just a gift to the drawing.
― Fernando Botero

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update on act: sweet mirage charlotte freebies hehe :3 im gonna start sketching the other members today, once theyr all at this stage ill go back in to all of em to do detail work and shading, i just wanna make sure im on a good timeline to get them finished ^__^

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sketching, taking a slow day today.

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I'm Red and like mostly drawing and sketching my OCs as well as a bit of fan art.

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Hello dear friends 🩵
I am working on my new painting today, I just started sketching
What is your plan for today?

Details of my available pieces 👇

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buat anatomi sender bisa cek channel yutubnya Proko atau moderndayjames, buat belajar value/lighting/coloring (?) silakan cari channel marco bucci

ga ada jalan pintas nder, mastah2 di sekitarku diem2 latian sketching berlembar2^_^

btw ini perkembanganku 2019-2022, semangat yaa

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Thank you! Now you can try sketching me or I can give ya variety and have a choice of me or my partner here Luca?

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trying to get some sketchin done aGH

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I spent the last 2 days sketching the thing 👀

Please give me the strength to paint it up fully! I need this 💕

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