another little doodle of villager nyaiori and tatsunya... with a ranya teddy bear :3
im feeling super narcissistic bc i love their villager designs so much... i think they are sooo stupid cute!!!! maybe i will simply never draw them as humans again,

1 10

Um... ok. I’m Emily Rose. My deviant art page goes by RisingSunYamamoto98. My art is similar to this. I like it. All are my oc’s. Aren’t they cute? 🤗💝

1 6

Hey. Emily Rose rumbling in with art that is colorful and hopefully cute! My art is under RisingSunYamamoto98 on dA. My recent art. ^^

1 2

May as well. I'm Emily Rose, I draw... a lot. I have a deviantart where most of my art goes to known as RisingSunYamamoto98. I... do a lot of basework tbh but these are not included. :) My drawings are mostly just my oc's. :)

2 15

"You're lucky you didn't get it on my shorts... then. I think you owe me that new pair of LVs in the window..get to it."

Always frost the cakes guys

Art -> Viskasunya (FA)

Caylin -> Me

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And last 2:
(Feranta and Viskasunya on FA)

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College Tatsunyan

tried new colouring technique :0

5 14

もうすぐクリスマス! SUNYAO家も、楽しいクリスマスを過ごしているようですよ。毎週日曜日新作登場! にゃんじゃくんオリジナル四コマ「漫画217クリスマスケーキ」。

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Emotes part 2, Anya's "sooo YA!", OtsuNya, and Super Smug

Reminds me of a cute Raichu!

49 552

Udah kepalang abis susunya, dikocok didalem pelut ga papa kan? ' 3 ' )'

164 505

Wah nder gambar Temma!! 🦔💨😭💕
ini sebenernya wip lama karena belum ada gambar baru hh;; tinggal shade di rambut dikit
Buat ngatasin artblock aku biasanya istirahat dari gambar, terus gambar sketch asal2/eksperimen gitu biar nafsunya balik lagi

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New Top post on r/FurryPornSubreddit 3 [MM] (Viskasunya) by YotGet

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Versi pake lipstik dan tida.

Nyoba + tracing foto idol, karena setelah w gambar buat temen-temen khusunya cowok malah susah sendiri milih tone warnanya.

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Selain pahami betul isunya, karakter kita juga harus mencerminkan kita melawan dengan baik.
Yuk belajar tanggung jawab sejak dini :)

Inspired by this tweet

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