Some of my favorite color moments telegraphing moody flashback moments and connecting them with resurfacing trauma in a way the b/w doesn't as explicitly

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[WIP] Sometimes Ivan likes to give his old Gym hell by being one of the Trainers for the day and berating some of the semi-newbies in the ring.

"A blind person could have seen that telegraphed punch."

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Buried in the churchyard of St Nicholas, is one of the most eminent engineers of his day. Sir Charles Tilston Bright (1832-1888) was an electrical engineer who oversaw the laying of the first transatlantic telegraph cable in 1858.

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Media frenzy (helped by govt. leaks) prefaces publication of new roadmap tomorrow. Bound to be disappointment (are we there yet? etc.) but the media can milk that too. And still is untarnished, unquestioned. Telegraph, Sunday 21/2/2021

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how much can i telegraph the kind of setting/world my story takes place in with a single background prop

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El medio The Daily Telegraph afirma que Jennifer Lawrence empieza a rodar FANTASTIC FOUR en Australia en marzo.

No cuadra demasiado porque la película no tiene fecha, ni había que supiésemos casting en marcha. Posiblemente sea para otra película distinta.

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Data is the path to apparently. "Data not dates", as new mantra has it. Boffins have come up with sufficiently Boris-friendly data on and success, paving the way. Not sure he's a details man though. [Telegraph Saturday 20/2/21].

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