D&D 5e Monster Manual artwork we illustrated: Planetar (Angel). Enjoy! (Jetpack7 is a division of Conceptopolis for those who are curious)

3 28

Comm progress for today~ (finished 2 but will post the other one later)
Ploosh Chibi for Topolisu @ dA~
Thank you for commissioning me and for your patience~!

0 7

Comm progress for today~ Got the lines for both Ploosh chibis done
Can't post the other one just yet so here's the one I can post~ /o/ This one is for Topolisu @ dA~
I always forget how much I like drawing chibis in this style. First time drawing a Lumi too~!

0 5

Une abonnée (merci à elle) vient de me faire découvrir cette parodie italienne par Disney de la Divine comédie de Dante : "L'infierno de Topolino", paru entre 1949 et 1950, où Dante est joué par Mickey, Virgile par Dingo et Béatrice par Minnie. Absolument adorable.

11 25

in edicola il giorno che sono nato.
TEX n.128

Continuate voi se volete

4 9

2020 Helene versus OG Helene. Hiatus Art for Heroes of Thantopolis!

3 14

Presenting the lord of Utopolis; Meena

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Protopolis Relocation Projectㅏαㅓ: Code Red ///

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The good friendship starts with... amnesia (from Topolino 1751)

5 14

Did anyone figure out a way to get rid of the trash MegaCryptoPolis spam token?

2 10

Protopolis - Overgrown Vernacular Architecture in a Different World

0 1

Qui, Quo e Qua sono tre fratelli ben diversi l'uno dall'altro! Siete bravi a distinguerli?

Quali sono invece le vostre passioni (o le vostre paure)? Scriveteceli! 👇📝

40 133

⇓ Su Topolino 3355 inizia 19.999 Leghe Sotto i Mari ⇓
MangaForever è anche su telegram https://t.co/N8i3rt6HP8 , entra nel canale e rimani aggiornato con le nostre news

2 1

2004 Kamitsue AUTOPOLIS 全日本ロードレース第2戦 九州大会 スーパーバイクレース


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Sketch of the day: Goofy of Disney, in his swordsman gear! Inspired by the Saga of the Sword of Ice!
(Pippo in "Topolino e la Spada di Ghiaccio" di Massimo de Vita)

2 9

;0; I'm overwhelmed with the support on this comic!!! Thank you, Glitch Techs fans! If you like the art style and enjoy reading comics, check out my ongoing webcomic Heroes of Thantopolis, part of

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