Se nos fue luthier, maestro del música y el humor. Amante de la palabra y de su maravilloso uso. Gracias por tantas joyas fruto del ingenio.
¡Por siempre cial ❤️!

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30 años, tú... 30 años desde que de le escribiese a su amiga...
Ahora es que es buen momento para responder a los colegas... ¡Gracias Celtas por esos temazos! ❤️

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My final post on this drawing. I’m posting my original blue sky album cover idea I originally had. I also did the explosion version with Spider-Hare in his original position. I had a ton of fun on this one!

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It’s Wrestlemania week! To commemorate the event, I’ll be dropping 2 superstar portraits every day leading-up to the big weekend! The second is

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It’s Wrestlemania week! To commemorate the event, I’ll be dropping 2 superstar portraits every day leading-up to the big weekend! The first is

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Seems like being turned into each other's underwear doesn't end up with the same results

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Watching lots of during this stay at home order. So I’m drawing stuff I watch too.

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