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A reminder from that there are 100,000,000,000,000 microbes in your body🦠 Today I gave a presentation on how relationships between gut bacteria diversity and severity of anxiety symptoms has been recently uncovered. Is very interesting for understanding/treatment

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Ein Hut für einen Hut!

Das Design von deinem Valentin hat mir so gut gefallen und als ich in seinem Moodboard gesehen hab, dachte ich, ich mach was mit Sternen weil wieso nicht!!

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I picked up ANIMETA! Vol. 1&2 the other day. Its a very real, very tough look into the anime industry as an animator. Its hard to read as it takes big jabs at my gut and makes remember all the anxiety I had/have being in this field.
10/10 would hurt again🤪

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Heute etwas Fanart von Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun! Der Anime ist echt gut! Hoffe es gefällt euch 💕

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Just finished bingeing for the second time and I have to say I'm more knocked out today. You get so invested. Watching Richard take Adam Price from the perceived perfect husband, father, lawyer to a man gut punched with betrayal and loss was mesmerizing.

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I don’t know what a comic is but tweeting the words “higurashi au” punched me in the gut hard

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Alastor: *Misbehaves in Lucifer's dancing ball, slices up a quest*
Lucifer: Nice show you got there, but learn some manners *Kicks Al in the gut*
(Drew this before learning Lucifer is a lot shorter than Alastor)

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Beispiel ... ca. von 2011 (1) und heute (3) wären jetzt da keine 10 jahre vorhanden? Ja ich habe noch viel vor mir UND kann trotzdem behaupten das ich gut geworden bin.

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Da das letzte Voxel Bild zu 's The Touryst Video so gut ankam und es jetzt ja mit dem Let's Play weitergeht, habe ich nochmal was gebastelt. Diesmal was Größeres! Hoffe es gefällt!

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Tonight, the brilliant continues with another gut-bustingly hilarious episode!

Our adventurers will battle foes, fight demons and uncover hidden treasures in this show that combines and


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Love seeing, what people see in my creations. I love the story telling; I hope that some pieces tell a story or help you imagine YOUR OWN. This is 1 of 1, offers are welcome - prices are gut feelings. Love.

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Data inflation.... I love this kind of idea!
Maybe a robot snek with a round gurgle gut is really great!

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Da wir ja noch sehr lange auf warten müssen werden und ich am Montag ab 9 Uhr im Multiplayer spielen! Ich freue mich auf ein herrliches Farmerlebnis - wird gut!

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naja, dann schau ich mir halt in der Aufzeichnung an, wie der Champ Kampf lief :3

Nur eine Frage:
In etwa so? oder warst du gut genug gelevelt? :D

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The funniest thing is that, due to the lousy substitute screen I'm using rn, I have to colourpick everything and trust my gut when placing colours, and hope that the final thing will look alright.

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. Nourish + C for all round Health & Vitality. It's a comprehensive ALL IN ONE Multi Vitamin & Mineral Supplement suitable for ALL It promotes a shiny coat, superb skin condition and it's great for gut and digestive health.https://t.co/QXBRVCpsiu

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Heart Attack (Kittelsen, Zawadski, Garland, Brousseau) continues to deliver with gut-punching relevance to the current world political scene. https://t.co/WJuxZrGhag

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