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NEW A Guide to Teaching Vocabulary from research. Use our new to build your pupils' vocabulary. Please RT!

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efiles ・・・ 35 yo male s/p fall during snowboarding accident. GCS 4t on arrival with L pupil… https://t.co/vyVqxX3sHv

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Calling pupils and parents: join us for talks, tours and creative demonstrations at Creative Futures on 9 February! https://t.co/IRkDEODBvb

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The History Boys 2016 Teachers & Pupils

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Curious about art and design education? Our Creative Futures event is open to pupils, teachers, parents and carers: https://t.co/aByBqfGj50

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Lhiannan:Shee個展「Sleeping Pupils ~眠れる森の生徒たち~」用の新作を通販ページに随時UP中です。個展限定ノベルティプレゼントも実施中ですので、この機会に是非お求め下さい。詳しくは→ https://t.co/1EIqkpFN9w

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リアナンシー個展「Sleeping Pupils ~眠れる森の生徒たち」用新作。ヨーロッパヴィンテージのコートをリメイクした1点物【good pupils coat(優秀な生徒のコート)】UP致しました。 https://t.co/orasCNGhIu

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Un ser de otro mundo. Podías ver el universo a través de una de sus pupilas, literalmente.

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The Double Head from has two different colored eyes. One is red with a visible pupil, one is a blueish gray, without a pupil.

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『U are in my PUPIL.』

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Merry Christmas to all our pupils, staff, Governors and followers!

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Also: Bonus dilated-pupil selfie

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Lhiannan:Shee個展「Sleeping Pupils ~眠れる森の生徒たち」用新作。その日に見るであろう夢を予兆し映し出す石鹸の泡をイメージしたアクセサリー【bubbles forecast(泡占い)バングル(ブルー)】。 https://t.co/7MW700izTt

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Y5 pupils created beautiful clay shells inspired by Georgia O'Keeffe

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Lhiannan:Shee個展【Sleeping Pupils ~眠れる森の生徒たち~】。"眠りの学校"をテーマに新作アクセサリーや小物を展示販売中です。通販ページにも随時新作をUP中ですのでご覧下さい。 https://t.co/fTOqTuABKH

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リアナンシー個展「Sleeping Pupils ~眠れる森の生徒たち」用新作。その日に見るであろう夢を予兆し映し出す石鹸の泡をイメージしたアクセサリー【bubbles forecast(泡占い)バングル(ゴールド)】。 https://t.co/clt1XfdFyT

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Brilliant day fossil hunting with pupils from Primary

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Year 3 pupils enjoyed creating shadow puppets and producing imaginative puppet shows

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