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Birthday Party with &


44 32

Madara wearing Sarada clothes, while Hashirama wearing Boruto clothes 😁😱👌 they're so funny! 😁😄

5 7

Himawari and her dad! 😘😍 forget about umbrella

25 29

Princess Uchiha👰👑 😍
Prince Yamanaka👑 😍
Prince Nara👑 😍
Prince Uzumaki👑

🌺 Konoha's Castle🏰 🌺

26 17

Himawari Uzumaki x Old man Uchiha Sasuke - Himawari reaches Waifu Level

0 6

"I wanted him to watch me become hokage" -Uzumaki Naruto

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Otanjoubi Omedetou Kushina Uzumaki, Perjuangannya melindungi anaknya sangat mengharukan - Naruto Shippuden

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