画質 高画質

this Beatrice anime cooking episode is great!

5 11

Battler after Beatrice countered his small bombs theory in episode 4

2 4

The Golden Witch will not be cucked in silence

3 24

Beatrice takes the L even in valentine's day you hate to see it

0 4

every line becomes 10 times funier with the OG sprites

0 10

my boy Sakutaro getting some pussy tonight!

0 3

Eva Ushiromiya (Umineko)

yeah basically i love women who would step on me

0 3

even Gohda fucks and I'm here posting screenshots on twitter this is not fair

0 5

Monochrome clock on the car got the vitches wet

0 0

feel bad for Krauss... dude just wanted a massage from his cute boxer daughter 😔

0 3

when you ask the teacher to go to the bathroom and they say "Yes"

2 6

why does everything that George says sounds indecent when the OG sprites are on

0 3