画質 高画質

Day 6-9
Rushing all of these took me time to when I would stay up late just to do a homework
//i had so much fun putting all of these together😊

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Okay time for a bright orange, dumbo octopus mermaid.

I need cheering up

<waves hand around>

after this year.

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3. I tried to do an unconventional iridescent Selkie. I love her.

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African Inspired Mermaid 🧜🏾‍♀️💜#Mermay2020

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This was supposed to be my entry for Day 9 of as . This mermaid comes out from her lake everyday to meet this cute puppy!!.

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You know, sometimes I do few versions because I CAN’T DECIDE 🤦‍♀️ I guess both picture sucks.... anyway... better than nothing for today

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Late Mermay 2020 day 9 - Curious

I decided to draw this in comic and with different brush.
Mary met Simon for first time.

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tbh I liked the design of is so much I incorporated them into my world

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I MIXED UP MERMAY THEMES HAHA so today's merm is merm

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