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HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA HOW?! Akinator guessed ULRICH when I was trying for William... how does this happen??? Anyways, seems the sword users win.

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"Do the Akinator meme where u tell it about urself but say yes about being an anime character!" they said! It'll be "FUN" they said............................................ 😩

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I got someone from my favorite anime of all time. Let's gooooo~!

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Tried the and
Yeah seems about right lmao

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*lies about being fictional and is from a Japanese anime*
Me: .___. does that even count?!

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I have no idea who this is, but she looks cool

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🥺🥺❤️❤️ this genie is super dumb it took him over 50 questions to find the king of kings but I guess he's little less dumb now after seeing him

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Répondez à Akinator comme si c'était vous mais en lui disant bien que votre personnage n'est pas réel et issue de l'animation japonnaise pour voir votre équivalent animé

Vu mon QI élevé il était évident que j'allais tomber sur Senku 👀 https://t.co/gzE87QMXE7

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i tried the akinator thing and ok. okay. a bit too close for comfort. thanks

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I'm ok with this and don't know if I should be

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I'd have to go with my girl akina, commissioned her from you once last winter

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Everyone getting all these cool anime characters and I got THIS CRUD


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I wanted to play with Akinator and DE and while it didn't guess Nines or Gavin, it DID guess Terminator for Nines and a Blade Runner character for Gavin, so... close? I think? (Interestingly, Akinator DID have listings for the DE characters, it just didn't guess them 🤔)

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ok I was bored so this is me apparently

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Well I'll be damned, she even looks like me 🤪
where you answer as yourself except you say youre ficitonal/from anime

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I had to do this several times because I kept getting "smart guy answering randomly" and "your OC" and "akinator's girlfriend" and I finally got a character and I'm not even sure I agree lol.

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