Three Things
You should know


•Military Force

Communication is the best way to build trust
Actions have reactions
Aggression has consequences
War crimes
Military response

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I remember years ago
Ringling Brothers
Barnum & Bailey Circus

The abuse and punishment used by trainers
To make animals perform tricks for the audience
Reached a point of no return
Effectively ending
"The Greatest Show on Earth"

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It's not hard to imagine
It's not hard to believe
The nations of this world
People past and present
We all share the same history
Right or wrong
Good or bad
Today's news from Ukraine
Hurt to watch
Tough to see

God save us all

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Life or Death situation
Any War that kills and destroys lives & communities is criminal
The world is a complicated place
Better way to settle disputes than War & Death

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People around the world are realizing exactly what this invasion is
These are crimes against everyday people
Senior Citizens

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11 trillion dollars in the past 22 months
Pumped into United States Economy
Federal Reserve Printed Money

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I think everyone realized what happened and we're all the better for it

☆ 1974 ☆
The Spaceman
An illusion of Art

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So the spaceman
Made this world a better place❔

☆ 1 9 7 4 ☆
The Spaceman
An illusion of Art

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So the Spaceman left this world today
Floating into space
Somewhere far away

One Step Beyond
The illusion of Art

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Twenty Silver Dollars
Someones done wrong
Thinking about last night

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Twenty Silver Dollars
Now I'm standing right here
I'm feeling no pain
Thinking about last night

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