Quando ti piace un fiore semplicemente lo cogli. Ma quando ami un fiore lo annaffi tutti i giorni

Bosschaert the Younger

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라운지 뮤직의 대명사 ‘부다 바’!
부다 바 파리의 레지던스 DJ, Ravin의 선곡으로 만나는 부다 바의 베스트 셀렉션!

Buddha Bar
[Buddha Bar Best of Lounge : Rare Grooves]

[온라인 배포]

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I Gotta put some respect on Buddha's name now

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We are proud to announce that Buddha and the Rose by has been selected by the Jr. Library Guild . They hand select the best each season for thousands of K-12 and public

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Oh Buddha, please, help me, now there will be all the sketches, and they're going to fill my entire twitter!!!

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Su Italia 2 (canale 49 DTT) dalle 21,20 arrivano i film e gli Special di Lupin III con l’ultimo colpo del 2010.
Lupin stavolta è alla ricerca di una leggendaria statua del Buddha, connessa al leggendario Clan Ninja dei Fuma...

Scheda sul sito

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강렬한 일렉트로 사운드와 부다 바의 만남!
라운지 뮤직의 대명사 부다 바가 선보이는 클러빙 컬렉션 5탄!

부다 바 [리틀 부다 5집 – 다카르 에디션]
Buddha Bar [Little Buddha V - Dakar]

[온라인 배포]

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강렬한 일렉트로 사운드와 부다 바의 만남!
라운지 뮤직의 대명사 부다 바가 선보이는 클러빙 컬렉션 4탄!

부다 바 [리틀 부다 4집]
Buddha Bar [Little Buddha IV]

[온라인 배포]

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There is no greater wealth in this world than peace of mind. If you're okay with yourself, you're okay with others, no one can against you and your peace of mind.
Om 🕉 Peace ☮️ & Namasté 🙏🏻

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Sending love & light your way. ❤️🕯️

Yours truly,
Clear Light Buddha 🪷

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Uncropped Buddhas & Bodhisattvas 8.14

Feeling warm fondness going "back" to DALL·E after so much this week. Like having coffee with an old friend after a couple of years.

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You cannot depend on another person to be happy, because no relationship will give you the peace that you have not created within yourself.
Illustration by Samantha Lee

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Sending positive vibes your way 🕯️

Yours truly,
~Gravity Buddha 🪷

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水陸畫/ShuiLu paintings are of great research value to China‘s intellectual history of Buddhas,Taoism and confucianism,history of “three teaching harmonious as one” ,and painting history.

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Grazie, c’è del gran buono in questo nostro ritrovarci. L’arte, la scrittura, i fiori e la presenza di persone che fanno la differenza.

“Quando ti piace un fiore, semplicemente lo cogli. Ma quando ami un fiore, lo annaffi tutti i giorni.”


🖌Mary Cassatt

12 18

" Refuge to the man is the mind, Refuge to the mind is mindfulness " - Buddha

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