The best feeling in W.o.W is when you're in a raid you get that one tank that thinks he can solo tank it... and fucks ya armor up so much cause he keeps starting the thing when we all check the not ready button... and still acts like a big shot... We need more tanks to know shit.

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WIP: akaashi keiji is caught staring. i felt like drawing him on pencil didn't give him justice so i wanted to have the power of undo button... to make a fluffy akaashi staring at... ****...! sorry for the lazy coloring otl. × spare some coffee:

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I Was Putting The Very Last Details On This Cookie , But Accidentally Pressed The Finished Button.. Needs A Flavor Now

Estaba Poniendole Los Ultimos Detalles A La Galleta Y Presione El Boton De Terminado Por Accidente.. Ahora Falta Pensar En El Sabor

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“i found the button.”
- - - - - -
this didnt turn out how i wanted it to at all, and im not super proud of it but i havent finished a piece in a while SO! wilbur and the button. ngl im highkey hoping it gets pressed in the end... morbidly curious

7 37

Me and some pals were playing Among Us and I was watching them do admin card swipe (i often kill them in admin so they hate me going in there) from the hallway and the impostor turned the lights off, and my friend got so scared she ran for the emergency button. ;w;

10 32

It's the unibrow for me! Helga Pataki with her afro puffs, she's obviously not the one.

If you love her like I do, please be kind and blow up that Retweet and Like button. I appreciate you ❤️

63 109

The amount of great artist here is amazing! I just keep pushing the follow button.

Hi guys I'm Kay. I love concept art and fantasy stuff, nature and love. Here are some examples of my art
Oh and I'm open for commissions too!


1 1

And we're back! Sorry about that, must have hit the wrong button.

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Just read DIE!namite very intriguing start to take on "DCeased" and "Marvel Zombies." Was not expecting that team-up at the end with Red Sonja and Smiley the Psychotic Button. Also, zombie Tharks on the ship Vampirella's on. I'm genuinely curious how it will..

3 21

Com: Donation Fight

I made a lot during one of my nights streaming
Two of my buds just could keep their paws/hooves off the donation button.
Look at all those meat bits
Thanks again guys ;w;

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"You know you want to push the button."

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My city strolls glitched last night after i went to press the review i had a staring contest woth Lucien XD he blinked so I won hehe

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I love how anime this event in Dragalia Lost ended.
It even had its own epic anime theme song when on the last phase of the boss then it gives you the all powerful nuke button.

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When she hit 98 I was hovering over the like button... Do I like my own post to get to 99 or wait!?

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The height of World War II, the world's most ingenious minds began a race to create a super-weapon capable of ending the war with the push of a button. One of those projects gave us the atom bomb and another produced the world's first supercomputer ENIAC.

8 26

There is now a random button. People wanted it, so I insist you click on it many times.

0 58

Thank you for introducing a great artist here! Gonna hit that spooky follow button.

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Man, Susano'o is so fun, IDC how unga bunga this motherfucker is, he's so damn fun to use, win or lose, just press the Susan Button. Oh also I passed my G Liscense test today, hurray!

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Hey y'all!
I'm Ectho, a 17 year old, illustrator and game artist. Who's got a love for the magical, and is an avid user of the undo button.

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