Too sad to ear the news about the passing of the talented Brazilian artist Robson Rocha,another brilliant artist left is this year. Goddamned COVID.

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Saber da partida do grande irmão de arte Robson Rocha bateu pesado aqui.

Ele tornou-se um dos melhores artistas e que tenho o prazer de acompanhar e me espelhar.

Perdemos ele pra COVID. A familia,os amigos e a arte perderam muito hj.

Perdemos demais. 😪

Vai em paz,Robson.

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Ha muerto el artista Robson Rocha por el puñetero covid.
Descanse en paz.

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Que noticia triste, Robson era um grande artista da DC e faleceu em decorrência do Covid. Ele foi amplamente elogiado pela fase dele desenhando o Aquaman. RIP

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Tested positive for being a gremlin. Also COVID.

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Areas where people consume Fox News are experiencing a surge in COVID.

Not surprised

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So it looks like i got COVID. Wish me luck. ☠️

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I really miss going to conventions and comic stores to collect comic book back issues. That was something I loved doing that I haven’t been able to do for so long because of Covid.

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I hope everybody had a nice 4th.

Ours was good despite the heat, appliances breaking down, and of course the grocery store scene post-COVID.

Our boys are essentially grown so a lot of the things they liked when they were little just doesn’t fit now that they’re older.

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I hope everybody had a nice 4th.

Ours was good despite the heat, appliances breaking down, and of course the grocery store scene post-COVID.

Our boys are essentially grown so a lot of the things they liked when they were little just doesn’t fit now t…

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Delighted to have delivered boxes of FREE books to local primary schools for their libraries! All helps to get kids reading when cuts have had to be made cos of Hope they inspire! 📕📗📘

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Happy birthday 🥳❤️✨
Aku bangga dan bersyukur kamu berhasil sembuh dari Covid setelah terpapar awal Juni kemarin.
Terus pas sembuh, jeda beberapa hari mesti cuti kerja, pulang ke rumah ngurus kedua orang tua yang gantian kena Covid..

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Buat semua yang gapercaya covid. Plis keep it for yourself aja. Gue udah ngerasain rasanya telfon 100 rs dari jam 6 sore - 12.30 malam ini. Udah datengin satu2 semua full dan gaada yang mau nerima😭😭 jakatta, bogor, bekasi, tangerang semua full

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First post of July… I kinda wanna draw more this month 🤩
My birthday is soon, but it’ll probs be celebrated at home cuz of covid. 😅

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Live shibari sketching is back. Take that, Covid.

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Interações do Twitter no decorrer do "depoimento" do Carlos Wizard para a

Usuários: 59.557
Interações: 270.696

Destaques: , , , , e .

🟩Favoráveis a CPI = 74,4%
🟫Bolsonaristas = 15,7%

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é um verme que se aproveita da carne dos mais de 516mil mortos pela covid.

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Probably the most accurate one of these has been for me tbh, including the about 1ft of hair I haven't gotten cut since before covid.

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Decidí que podía dibujar a Kuon haciendo cuarentena como yo.
Demore en terminar el dibujo debido a los síntomas del covid... pero ya estoy bien ✨

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The Sun catches Hancock 'nursing' his own interests during Covid... perhaps they could have done this a little earlier when all the money was disappearing?
Some other romances to stop you feeling quite so sick

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