Day 7- Berserker
I heard that this man beat Falcon and forced him into retirement. This must be why Samurai Goroh hates his guts too.
(They say "Red Bull gives you Wings" They weren't joking.)

6 20

Though Happy again especially to the other Captain Falcon, Andy Summer

(I don't have any Ryus on me unfortunately)

5 19

Day 6 of Time for the 3rd original pilot, Pico! I was little inspired for him and also I've never drawn him before, so it was somehow difficult! But there you go! (I'm 2 hours late in my timezone, rip)

7 15

Day 6-
Apparently good ol' Pico switched to a Gun-Arm.
Much more stealthy than a Rifle. (and stylish too!)
But who might be that masked person with him...?

10 23

Day 5 of Time for the best samurai out there, Samurai Goroh! I tried to add some old-japanese style, I mixed it with my style and this was the result.

5 11

Day5 - Bonus Pics [A]
This is the core spirit of GX7.
Merge the Past and set the Future wings.
Metroid VariaDays Book3 (
We learn how Goroh and Lisa met.

8 17

Day 5- Bonus Up.
The Queen of Diamonds has arrived.
Don't worry, all your valuables will be safe with her.

12 26

Day 5- Aka the best Day.
The Day of my Favorite F-Zero Character!
Attention! This day will be filled with bonus pics!
Feel the power of 2 RS-5060 engines!!

12 33

Day - 4
Never underestimate the ability of people to change themselves.
And welcome Baba!


7 19

Day - 3
During the time skip, our gentleman surgeon Doc Stewart got knighted for his accomplishments.
You shall now adress as Sir Robert Stewart!
Original design by Fujita-->

9 23

Day 02 of it's Jody Summer. I liked the more serious attitude she had in X and the anime and was hoping to portray that here.

11 26

Second day of Time for one of my favourite characters, especially in the anime rendition, Jody Summer! I wanted to go for a very comic style this time, it was trully a challenge for me!

11 34

Day 2 for Jody Summer! I always thought the pilot suit designs for the female pilots were pretty awful, especially in GX so this adds a bit more of a personal flair to Jody while taking in the colours of the older design. Can't forget the Super Cat Glasses 😎

10 21

Day - 2
Is the Queen in all her Glory:
Ace Pilot & InterNova Commander, Jody Summer!

9 23

Day 1 for one of my favourites, Mighty Gazelle! Got a new Tablet so hoping to evolve a little over the month with some practice.

15 35

Looking through the Fzero cast, I think I found some Korps flavor in Mrs Arrow's original design. If she weren't a super hero, of course. But when has that stopped us from winning heroes over to our side? ;3

3 15