Hi im Ash and I recently started posting my art on here :D

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Thanks for the share and congeats on 300!

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also hi im martin i try to draw sumtimes <3

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And here’s August Malmström’s Bråvallaslaget, which depicts the legendary battle between the Swedes and Western Geats against the Danes and Eastern Geats.

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Congeats on 200 friend :) Cheers :) Many thanks for the art share friend 🙂

Hi, I'm Jhei. Unmotivated, yet walking. Hope everyon'es doing well 🙂 Cheers 🙂


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Hi! Congeats on 10k and thank you for hosting!~ my name is Scar and i love to do fantasy themed art 💛 My goal is to achieve a Riot/League of legends illustration style! Nice to meet you! 😄

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