664 - Scatterbug
Type: Bug

When under attack from bird Pokémon, it spews a poisonous black powder that causes paralysis on contact.

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663 - Talonflame
Type: Fire/Flying

In the fever of an exciting battle, it showers embers from the gaps between its feathers and takes to the air.

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662 - Fletchinder
Type: Fire/Flying

From its beak, it expels embers that set the tall grass on fire. Then it pounces on the bewildered prey that pop out of the grass.

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661 - Fletchling
Type: Normal/Flying

These friendly Pokémon send signals to one another with beautiful chirps and tail-feather movements.

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660 - Diggersby
Type: Normal/Ground

With their powerful ears, they can heft boulders of a ton or more with ease. They can be a big help at construction sites.

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658 - Greninja
Type: Water/Dark

It creates throwing stars out of compressed water. When it spins them and throws them at high speed, these stars can split metal in two.

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657 - Frogadier
Type: Water

It can throw bubble-covered pebbles with precise control, hitting empty cans up to a hundred feet away.

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656 - Froakie
Type: Water

It secretes flexible bubbles from its chest and back. The bubbles reduce the damage it would otherwise take when attacked.

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655 - Delphox
Type: Fire/Psychic

It gazes into the flame at the tip of its branch to achieve a focused state, which allows it to see into the future.

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653 - Fennekin
Type: Fire

Eating a twig fills it with energy, and its roomy ears give vent to air hotter than 390 degrees Fahrenheit.

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652 - Chesnaught
Type: Grass/Fighting

Its Tackle is forceful enough to flip a 50-ton tank. It shields its allies from danger with its own body.

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651 - Quilladin
Type: Grass

It relies on its sturdy shell to deflect predators’ attacks. It counterattacks with its sharp quills.

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650 - Chespin
Type: Grass

The quills on its head are usually soft. When it flexes them, the points become so hard and sharp that they can pierce rock.

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721 - Volcanion
Type: Fire/Water

It lets out billows of steam and disappears into the dense fog. It’s said to live in mountains where humans do not tread.

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720 - Hoopa Confined
Type: Psychic/Ghost

This troublemaker sends anything and everything to faraway places using its loop, which can warp space.

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719 - Diancie
Type: Rock/Fairy

A sudden transformation of Carbink, its pink, glimmering body is said to be the loveliest sight in the whole world.

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718 - Zygarde - Complete Forme
Type: Dragon/Ground


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717 - Yveltal
Type: Dark/Flying

When this legendary Pokémon’s wings and tail feathers spread wide and glow red, it absorbs the life force of living creatures.

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715 - Noivern
Type: Flying/Dragon

The ultrasonic waves it emits from its ears can reduce a large boulder to pebbles. It swoops out of the dark to attack.

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714 - Noibat
Type: Flying/Dragon

Even a robust wrestler will become dizzy and unable to stand when exposed to its 200,000-hertz ultrasonic waves.

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