2月6日発売の書籍「Electric Bath Handbook 電気風呂御案内200」ですが、電気風呂の入浴方法をユッカ・バッファローさん( )デザインのカッパくんが紹介しています。他に東京都全公衆浴場含む全国200箇所の銭湯電気風呂の電流の強さをまとめました。色々な人に電浴の楽しさ届けっ!!

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vinny I appreciate you so fucking much
writes this into my galra au canon handbook

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He lifts the charm out of the box with a watery smile, “... Thank you, Nanami.”

He hands her a small pink box with a big red bow. Inside, there was a necklace with a pink flower-shaped charm, mimicking the hope fragments in their e-Handbooks.

“To my closest friend.”

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My idea of tieflings wildly differs from that depicted in the Player's Handbook 😂

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🌟Did a big redesign of Acre to make him look more like the description of a wood elf in the handbook 🌟

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Management would also like to remind people that SMILING IS MANDATORY even though there's no official rule about it in to staff handbooks.
(poster part 2/2)

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Our book of the week is the utterly fantastic Myth Atlas by the equally fabulous ( Zoomer's Handbook is a personal fave). Come in and get lost.., in the wonderful illustrations and level up on cool facts. Every single page a winner.

5 4

Looking for a book to engage a reluctant reader? Try The Handbook from . It's a great way for kids to use their imaginations where nothing is too weird or wonderful to create. https://t.co/GIkplv6LFe

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Official Handbook Of The Marvel Universe character art by Erik Larsen

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Blog / ブログ: https://t.co/FdH5L3s4Vl (英語注意、日本語があります)
Illustrated handbook / 図鑑 : https://t.co/thSYegkf8P
Have a nice day

0 1

Blog / ブログ: https://t.co/FdH5L3s4Vl (英語注意、日本語があります)
Illustrated handbook / 図鑑 : https://t.co/thSYegkf8P
Have a nice day

0 1

Blog / ブログ: https://t.co/FdH5L3s4Vl (英語注意、日本語があります)
Illustrated handbook / 図鑑: https://t.co/thSYegkf8P

Have a nice day

0 1

Draw The Line's comics are divided into nifty categories, like 'actions you can take right now' - which includes writing to your MP, making a zine, knowing your reps, joining a political party. Pledge now for your handbook of inspiring positive actions: https://t.co/tyZ3IVE1Xg

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Moar D&D shit. I have a problem. I'm only in two campaigns, but fuck I love just looking through home brew and the players handbook and making concepts. Rogues and druids are my definite favs

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It's I'm planning to re-read some chapters of Players Handbook.
What are your plans? Hope, there are some who wants to read

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With the down time this weekend, I decided to pick up the Sketchnote Handbook... they said to start with something you ❤️... I chose bacon 🥓 📝📙🖊📔✏️

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In collaboration with , The Customer Whisperer’s is an easy to use and easy to read book of real life business advice👱🏻‍♀️📚

Excited to share this with you later this year!

👉🏻 https://t.co/dtyVQs06BV

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新刊「技術の夏、未来の夏。~Android P特集~」「Jetpack Handbook」の紹介です🙌 https://t.co/HCIocRNI0T Pの最新情報に留まらずArchitecture Componentsも含めたJetpackの解説書がついに出来ました!最初の一歩におすすめしたい技術書です。本日より予約開始。ぜひ夏のお供にご利用ください😊

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Calling all DMs, need to save hours of prep time? All 15 of Cawood Publishing's DMs Guild products are 25% off for the Christmas in July sale. The sale includes all 7 of our bestselling Dungeon Master's handbooks. https://t.co/rtL7rsoRI2

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