From the Marines ALL the admirals are playable! (minus Ricardo, for obvious reasons) Sakazuki, Kuzan, Borsalino and Issho, magma, ice, light and gravity!

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2014年3月8日は『劇場版 薄桜鬼 第二章 士魂蒼穹』が劇場公開された日です。8 มีนาคม 2014 เป็นวันครบรอบวันเปิดตัวฮาคุโอกิ ภาคมูฟวี่ ภาค 2『薄桜鬼 第二章 士魂蒼穹』Hakuoki The Movie 2 : Dai-Isshou Shikon Soukyuu

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Going live now with the continuation of my Hissho campaign! We've spotted our first adversaries and thusly prepare for bloodshed!

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The goal for today is to prepare or upload my first youtube video! The plan is to do a twitch stream, then draw, then upload, then work on my module for DnD5ed!

For the twitch stream starting within the hour will be exploring the Hissho from Endless Space 2!

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What I've been watching/listening to rather than the 60 other things in my queue

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Kanmusu to Issho ni *C97
Artist: Jun&Yuri (Yuriko)

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•🎨白夜(White Night)+鲁本斯(Rubens*C202)+吉祥(KISSHO*23)

16 49

太田記念美術館「肉筆浮世絵名品展 歌麿・北斎・応為」肉筆画いっぱい!原恵一監督(原作杉浦日向子)『百日紅MissHOKUSAI』主人公葛飾応為作『吉原格子先之図』未見の方はこの機会にぜひ。当然だけど浮世絵良い人肉筆画も上手い。平日でもかなり混雑。ロッカー空いてない時は受付で預かってもらえますよ

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Flurin Randegger - SCRJ Lakers ✨🌊🏒

Follow my work on Patreon :

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First art piece of 2020! It's a smite god concept of Kisshoten, goddess of wealth, beauty, and fertility. She is also the patron of geishas!

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Satsuki Onee-chan to Issho ni Benkyou Shiyo *C97
Oryou (P:P)

45 253 Hi, it's Kawaiikochans no-- "Saimatsu message!!" Let's consult the Isshou Kenmeiter to find out how powerful this year was for Kawaiis.

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wey isshou Undergirls berasa Selena Starlight

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