'Mechanical Animal' created by Mike Acosta using the Jot Touch and Paper.

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Playing with some of the sweet brushes and pencils in the . I love my jot touch stylus.

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Created by Milysa Lee using the Jot Touch.

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hffzYwLxbfp9SXClb9V25eeF 3G vita(中古)とbig simを導入してモンスターレーダーにトライ。捕獲は変な人に(笑)このvitaはjotと相性悪くえちゃん無理で途中で機種交代です

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'Amazing Spiderman 2' created by Philip Thompson using the Jot Touch and ArtRage.

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'Wonder Woman' created by Jolo Quibod using the Jot Pro and Procreate.

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Created by Luis Peso using the Jot Touch 4 and Inspire Pro.

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made with Inspire Pro and Jot Touch4

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Random Facebook friends.Made with Inspire Pro and Jot Touch 4

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[定例似顔絵合戦 vs弟画伯]お題:貫地谷しほりさん/突然似顔絵合戦が勃発する我が実家。iPad初代+Procreate、touchじゃないJotで描いたよおお。

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Sunway Lagoon, 15 minute sketch. With Adonit Jot Touch 4.

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Procreate Jot Touch 4投稿テスト

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qvfzYwLxbfp9SXClb9V25eeq ついんてしたかった。背景描き込むのむずかしいな。ハジッコが塗れないのはjotの円盤がvitaのケースに干渉するからなんて今頃気づいたりして。

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'Iron Man' created by WeeWillDoodle using Jot Touch & Procreate. We love it when you share your artwork with us.

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Thanos the Mad Titan by Iszy Iszard using the Jot Touch & Procreate.

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A guy I wanted to jot down real quick. I want to model him out sometime. Strong Subsurface detail and such.

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Hihi, der Jot Pro macht Spass! :-)

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▼こりゃほんとにいちばん思い通りに描けるスタイラスペンだヮ(^ε^) Jot Pro。

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