Lmao each other praised between Lui and Koyori amazing

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Lmao each other praised between Lui and Koyori amazing

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Yeah Koyori your welcome to join in Lui ch

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Lmao each other praised between Koyori and Laplus amazing

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Yeah Koyori you really watch live Pekora new outfit

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Yeah Koyori that's Pekora new outfit it's really cute it's really cute

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Yeah koyori because they both already made a song, so you should be able to someday

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Yeah koyori that's they both is so cute to live 3D

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Lmao each other praised again between Lamy and Koyori amazing

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Yeah koyori and thank you for live streaming

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Lmao each other praised again between Iroha and Koyori amazing

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Lmao each other praised between Iroha and Koyori amazing

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Oh ok Koyori don't imitate likes Miko

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Yeah it's ok koyori, it's just a technical glitch that's important fixed the problem

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Oh ok Koyori don't sad and keep spirit to make live streaming soon

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