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Sharing More Fanart Because Summer's
Not Over Yet & I Dont Care What You Say!
So Here's @byndogehk Enjoying The Summer
With Her Bestie, Bessie The Lapras, On The
Open Seas!
Thank You Again, @sextant0yulij For Taking
On My Commission, Looks Beautiful!
Plesiomon x lapras fusion, $7 usd PayPal, buyer will receive full rights to the character and a png of the photo
@mana_chan__ Here’s my trainer sona. I haven’t drawn one with my team yet but it’s furfrou, appletun, flygon, lapras, vaporeon, and shiny girafarig. My partner and I have decided that we also each have a raichu, mine being the alolan raichu.
@mana_chan__ I have two I can share right now. My main trainer is David, whos been around for years, with his partner Pikachu. Lena is a big fan of water type Pokémon, and though her Phione can't really battle, she has a Lapras on hand almost all the time since Kanto.
@FreelancerAmber Why does everyone love Surfing on Lapras?
Because it always WAVES the fee!
Jan 04, 2015. By: budgilover
[11 Yeahs!] [0 replies] (EU)
Here's some pokemon requests I did on discord! The lapras belongs to @/ophangel!
Art trade with @ADarioGT1, they wanted to draw one last summer themed drawing featuring their Manaphy and Lapras Gijinka designs
Honorable mentions: lapras, kyogre, luxray, giratina, zorua, and zygarde cell https://t.co/POn2vO3PP7
I hatched a Shiny Lapras while listening to @Asatsuki_rurika‘s stream! So of course I had to name it after her 💜💖
#PokemonMasters #PokemonMasterEX
Another amazing pic of my Lapras Lorelei by the ever excellent @Mayo1n0mor1, thank you so much for the exquisite work as always!