Hey. How’s going?
Let me introduce you to my best friend.

5 25

alr, imma repost these lads to tell yall that you dont have to ask me to draw em, they are free to draw. its entirely up to you if you wanna draw them tho.

5 27

heres the progress so far on OC, gonna take a break from it then finish it in an hour or 2. sadly i cant do all of Pixics really good shading or lighting but oh well. dont mind the funny skull on the tie, that wont be in the final piece

2 20

Im ecrying this is a shitpost concept for a female oc i want to make, i only have 1 female drone i need **another** ,,,,,,fml

7 63

Hello, after a long time I finally had the courage to post this, since I didn't like the result but well it doesn't matter anymore. 👍
I post it too because no one will see it.

13 51

Finished another one, this one belongs to , time to start the next one

3 24

Quickly doodled it ill have to finish it later but ill tag it anyways https://t.co/PEIjo5ernK

5 17

[Model Update 2.0]

I'm happy to show off my Murder Drone base 2.0!!
New additions include: fully remade Wings, Head, and Claws!!
Thank you so much everyone for your support and thank you for making this show!!

13 43

[Necessary Upgrades]
Yeah I like this head way better than the older one.

10 53