Lairit Khoravar a.k.a. Lin's nonbinary arsonist/revolutionary ex, with transparent and WINGS OF FIRE backgrounds

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The rest of the RWBY flower see that took me ages to release because I work very slowly, this time with redheads!

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Meu último desenho na cama eu nem terminei. Um dtiys do Kienan Lafferty que ele mandou no instagram, pq demorava e a mão doía pacas. Dei uma pausa até que consegui uma mesa (uhu) e abri commissions de feliz, pra juntar money e comprar uma cadeira (isso foi depois de julho só)

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i hosted a giveaway that ended a few days ago, and was one of the winners! congrats on winning this sketch of renora, done by !


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i hosted a giveaway that ended a few days ago, and was one of the winners! congrats on winning this sketch of renora, done by !


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Hey friends! Please share and rate my T-shirt design, Chatelaine for RWBY fanforge!

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soravanis I drew now (11/23) vs the first sora(3/8) and vani(3/15) I drew in 2019!! ahah... my style??😭 I'm happy that I've gotten a better grasp of colors and how to shade in general though! miss the boys

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Coneixes la Neus Català, supervivent del camp de Ravensbrück?

“Mai vaig plorar davant d’un nazi. Era la meva manera de resistir. Només plorava a les nits [...] els nazis em van prendre la son, però no em van prendre la llibertat” ✊🏾


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Nora outfit designs (why does look like a kh char in volume 7?)

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Minha deusa mano, simplesmente uma das melhores que já criei.
Mar é uma cabeleireira bem reconhecida pela região em que vive, morava junto de sua melhor amiga Luriah em um casébre que as duas trabalhavam duro para manter, sempre foi uma pessoa gentil e engraçada
Mar é demissexual

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Nosferatu(1922) dir. F.W Murnau

Because obviously. This film has essentially been stuck in my mind since I first saw it about 20 years ago.

In 2022 to mark it's 100th anniversary I'm determined to finally visit Orava Castle in Slovakia

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SoraVampire >/////<
Sora as vampire crossed my mind and before I knew it my hands started working xdddd

I think I messed sora's eyes a bit but ye hahahahahaha

I plan to do another one soon xddd

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