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AKU KETIPU. 😭 cakep sih, tapi ternyata kelakuannya kayak chuunibyou mirip kaidou dari saiki. 😭 tapi baik ak tetep lumayan naksir walaupun sperti org stress dikit.. 👌🏻
Gepeng p5ych1c 5tud13s
You can get it from infected SURFACES!
Monkeypox is much more contagious than a STI.
Do not believe the framing the media is taking right now.
Infographic Source: WHO (World Health Org), published May 24, 2022 https://t.co/jJDyJH3Vm4
25. Kuujo sangat menjunjung tinggi konsep kesetaraan gender (apalagi emansipasi wanita). Dia selalu menghargai para wanita & menganggap bahwa wanita itu sama derajatnya dengan pria. Dia sendiri juga org yg bakal memuliakan para wanita, khususnya wanita-wanita yg ditindas (cont.(
Heart Up U City!
We are sad to say several of our district families were displaced or had severe damage to their homes due to today's flooding. Email communications@ucityschools.org if you would like to help with donating basic needs and household essentials. @UCSharonica
Retweet klo kmu mau masing-masing 10zvg untuk 3 org. Nanti ak pick sjam lg
❄ Artic fox ill. as adapted from a drawing of Capt. Ross aboard his 2nd voyage in search of a NW passage #bhlpodhttp://biodiversitylibrary.org/page/11633974
(PICTURE) (org. Shigenori Soejima) Have a very happy Valentine's Day with Morgana and Sophia.
(PICTURE) (org. Shigenori Soejima) Have a very happy Valentine's Day with Morgana and Sophia.
(PICTURE) (org. Shigenori Soejima) Have a very happy Valentine's Day with Morgana and Sophia.
(PICTURE) (org. Shigenori Soejima) Morgana celebrating Jagariko day (and its 23rd anniversary) by having the titular snack.
Guys mau nanya, kira2 ada yang tertarik gak kalau misalnya jadi random person di au ku gitu? Kayak kan suka ada org yg komen2 gaje di tweet mereka, nah kira2 ada yang mau?
Drop aja ya, biar aku simpan buat berikutnya hehe 🙏
Pic hanya buat pemanis ❤️😂
(PICTURE) (org. Shigenori Soejima) Have a very happy Valentine's Day with Morgana and Sophia.
(PICTURE) (org. Shigenori Soejima) Have a very happy Valentine's Day with Morgana and Sophia.
If any journalists/podcasters/vloggers/reviewers, etc. would like to chat with me about my new book ISABELLA & BLODWEN, my DMs are open! Or feel free to send me an email on rachael(at)rachaelsmith(dot)org. Thanks!
You can read a sample here too: https://t.co/3N2YVdyED6 💕
jdi kyk. di mimpiku dia gak mau dipanggil sbg org yg "lbh tua" (padahal pan cuman sdkt lbh tua y) trs dia kesel, trs w ditinggalin , dia ke mika trs jadi gey. waw
imejin di dump sama 2D krktr trs doi nya jadi gey. amazing
wan kawan sender mo nanya dong, sender liat komen komen di komik ini, katanya auhtor gepeng ini rasis :( iya kah? sender mo baca tp sedih mendukung org yg jahat walau karyanya g salah :(